A must watch video for anyone considering a dune buggy excursion in Punta Cana

Despite what the video thumbnail suggest, the Dune Buggy excursion isn’t a scam. We enjoyed this activity some years back and had a wonderful, if somewhat messy good time. But as is often the case in Punta Cana, the devil is in the details.

The issue in this case was unadvertised upsells.

It seems that despite paying the full price of admission for their dune buggy excursion, these seasoned travellers were shocked to be presented with an overpriced upsell immediately upon arrival. The extra $100+ fee was for eye and face protection gear. I don’t blame them for being upset – such protective equipment should be included in the excursion fee, much as a lifejacket should be included with any water based excursion.

Despite this unfortunate incident, the rest of their travel day was a decidedly mixed affair with both highlights and a few transportation issues thrown in for good measure.

Our recommendation:

If planning to participate in the Punta Cana dune buggy excursion, hit your local dollar store prior to departure for some protective eyewear and face protection.

And despite your best efforts, you will probably get caked in mud – so best to bring a disposable outfit for this particular activity.

We also recommend double checking your travel medical insurance policy to ensure that motorized sports are covered. Some plans do not cover “non-conventional” transportation.

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